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Required Engineering,Computer Engineering,Software Architecture freelancer for Electronics Engineers Wanted job

Posted at - Oct 4, 2024

We are looking for colleagues , freelancers who love electronics and cars, which have between 10 to 15h available per week.
We continuously develop projects, exclusively for automotive , and we work as a remote team, enrolling in projects depending on each of your time and availability.

Desired skills :
Soft skills: - Good understating of what freelancer means, and customer orientation
- Being a person driven by strong human and moral values: trustworthy, honest, life/work balanced

Hard Skills (at least 3 from the list) : - PCB design
- PCB parts soldering and HW testing against specification
- SW embedded for STM, and ATMEL /Microchip controllers
- C embedded language for compilers , (or alternative Python or VB )

About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Rohit Chopra
from Geneve, Switzerland

Skills & Expertise Required

Engineering Computer Engineering Software Architecture 

Open for hiringApply before - Jan 2, 2025

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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