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Required Engineering,Computer Engineering,Software Architecture freelancer for Landscape Designer or landscape architect needed for residential landscape projects job

Posted at - Oct 4, 2024

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We do landscape design work in Utah. I hold a MLA with 15 yrs experience. I will meet with clients, develop the design program, provide base map measurements including drone photo with a site measurement to scale it. Designer will then take the provided site info and design requirements and produce a professional plan to include two sheets - one sheet showing the layout of all hardscapes, proposed site features, planter beds, etc, with labels. Second sheet will be the planting plan with complete plant layout and plant schedule, with labels. Turnaround time is 24-36 hrs from the time of receiving site info and program requirements. See project examples for expected deliverable - scope, detail, quality. 3D modeling skills would be a bonus and would bring additional fee to the designer.

About the recuiterMember since May 20, 2018 Gunawan Gunawan
from Shaanxi, China

Skills & Expertise Required

Engineering Computer Engineering Software Architecture 

Open for hiringApply before - Jan 2, 2025

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Fixed Type
Remote Job

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